February 27th's Full Moon in Virgo
Good day!
Welcome to The Mystical Moon's very own Moon Watch! Here you'll be able to gather insight into all the matters of the moon. Oh, the moon! The mystical, mystical moon. Thank you solely for your loving light that breaks the darkness of the night. Thank you for your grace and profound attention to desire, love, and hope. THE MOON what an article to write. When we came up with the idea to write articles about each month's mega moon phases, I was thrilled—a glowing space orb filled with the myth of mystery, love, and vindication. I then thought, where to start? Firstly, I'd like to welcome you all to The Mystical Moon's very own Moon Watch. Here we will channel direction and guidance from the moon and its coalition with its celestial brothers and sister and streamline it to you. As an offering of love and light. ~ February 27, 2021, FULL MOON in VIRGO So, we know the moon affects us. The moon's gravitational pull affects even our Earth's deepest oceans, and as we hold water in 75% of our physical bodies, we too are physically, emotionally, and spiritually affected. You may be thinking, man, oh man, this moon is affecting me! Here we will show you how to harness the moon's specific powers in its cyclical phases. We will bring you insight into handling yourself, others, and the waterworks of emotions and releases many moons can bring to you. Healing is divine! Intuition is divine! Tap into the God within and center yourself for a blast article about the Virgo Full Moon taking place on the 28th of this month. Let's break it down and get to healing! Energies to Lookout for on FULL MOON PHASES The full moon is a rich, glowing body. It reflects the light of the sun, much like a mirroring effect, to bring the life of Earth lightness through the darkness of the evening. Her power is by no means shy. She empowers a "go for it" energy, abundant with the passion of manifestation. Expect a directing of attention towards a culmination of divine processes and projects, as they are crafted just for you. Think about the things you want to accomplish and trust in your power, as well as the power of the moon, that you are capable of reaching your goals! What Will a FULL MOON in VIRGO Mean for You? Freshly brimming with eager bursting energies of the full moon, with the help of our harvest queen Virgo, we will channel this boisterous energy into handling our earthly responsibilities. You may feel yourself feeling safe under the bounds of order; expect clarity in discovery and precision when communicating. Virgo is infamous for attracting analytical energy to better suit and more effectively implement manifestations. This will be a keen aspect to tap into for the spark of courageous endeavors the full moon will bring. Power to your projects, I say! During this phase, you may develop a passion for organizing the chaos that surrounds you, while feeling compelled to come back to the center of order. Consider tolerance and understanding when dealing with others, and know that love and acceptance lie within the hands of your decisions and actions. This will be a great moon to remind you that the imperfections of life ARE the solutions to life, but first, we must trust the universe and look within. How Can One Harness the Virgo FULL MOON Power? Historically, the term "Virgo" is of Latin descent meaning, "self-contained," which may be interpreted as "self-sufficient." With the tools of power and love in your corner, surrendering to the healing powers universal truth will be advantageous. February 28 falls on a Sunday. Sunday is a day potent with potential. Spellwork most commonly utilized on this day are those involving inspiration, wealth, success, and fame. The mixture of a full moon falling on a Sunday will amplify this prosperous energy! Do not hesitate to honor Virgo-related tools to boost your intentions. Consider utilizing :- The healing herbs of Dill, Eyebright, Horehound, Lily of the valley, Marjoram, or Savory.
- Demeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility of the Earth, in ritual or altars.
- Prayer to Brighid
- Planet Mercury, as the ruler of Virgo.
- Ginseng, ginger, or chamomile tea promote guttural and stomach health.