I suggest that you hold the pendulum in one hand and place the other hand underneath the pendulum. Ask the pendulum: please show me my “yes.” Then ask, please show me my “no”. If you do not know what your “yes” or “no” looks like, then you would ask the pendulum to show you. A “yes” can go back and forth, up and down, or even clockwise and counterclockwise. Take note after you request to be shown your “yes”. Next, ask to be shown your “no”. It should move in another direction. Very rarely will your “yes” or “no” change direction.
After purchasing the pendulum, it is best to cleanse it with sage, a prayer, or by simply putting it in sea salt without water. After you connect with your pendulum, I highly suggest that no on else use your pendulum. If you are the sole user of the pendulum, it will work more efficiently for you. If has only your energy on it.
I always work with an intentional prayer before using my pendulum. Here is a sample of a prayer to connect with your guidance (Higher Self): I request that all information, guidance and answers come from my divine source. I clear myself of all outside influences and trust the answers are being channeled through my Higher Self.
When receiving an answer, trust the answer. Please do not keep asking the same questions more than once. When you don’t trust the answer, it brings doubt into your work with the pendulum and your results will be confusing and may not be accurate.
Do realize there will be times when you are unable to receive a clear answer, if this happens, move onto another question. It may be time to put your pendulum aside. There is always the risk of using your pendulum too much and becoming dependent upon it. Please use your pendulum with caution and discernment.
It does help to have questions prepared ahead of time when you are using your pendulum for a personal question and answer session. Be specific with your questions and be prepared to ask several questions in order to receive clear information regarding the area in question. Allow the pendulum to fully stop all movement before moving on to the next question.
Examples of good questions to ask your pendulum:
- Am I going to move within the next 5 months?
- Would it be beneficial for me to move from my current residence within the next 5 months?
- Am I allergic to wheat at this time?
- Am I going to move?
- Will I ever fall in love?
- Am I ever going to be happy?
- Be sure you are in a clear frame of mind, relaxed, and emotionally and physically grounded. If there is a strong emotional attachment to the subject area in question, you may not receive clear and accurate information.
- Keep a notebook handy to write down your questions and your pendulum’s response as well as names and dates for documentation.
- Clear your pendulum often with sage, prayer, or sea salt.
- Have only your energy on the pendulum, no sharing.
- Career
- Love, Relationships (family, love, friends, and coworkers)
- Money, Investments
- Health, your physical body
- Lost Items
- Foods
- Sex of a Baby
- Spiritual Guides
- Timeline
- Geographical areas for moving or travel