Unlock the Magic of August's Supermoon Blue Moon
As the summer sun starts to wane, the cosmos has a special treat for us—a Supermoon Blue Moon in Aquarius, occurring on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 2:26 p.m. EDT (1826 GMT). This full moon marks the beginning of a rare series of four consecutive supermoons, each offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection. But what makes this one so special? Let's dive into the magic of the Supermoon Blue Moon, explore what to expect, and discover how we can align ourselves spiritually during this powerful celestial event.
What is a Supermoon Blue Moon?
A "supermoon" occurs when a full moon coincides with its closest approach to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. The energy of a supermoon is intensified, amplifying its effects on our emotions, intuition, and spiritual practices.
A "Blue Moon," on the other hand, is the term used for the second full moon in a calendar month or the third full moon in a season that has four full moons. Despite its name, the moon doesn't actually turn blue. The term "Blue Moon" symbolizes rarity and signifies an opportunity to manifest your deepest desires and clear away what no longer serves you.
Now, when these two phenomena—Supermoon and Blue Moon—combine, the energy is profoundly potent. This Supermoon Blue Moon in Aquarius will be a time of heightened awareness, spiritual breakthroughs, and a deeper connection to the collective consciousness.
What to Expect Spiritually
Aquarius, the water-bearer, is a sign of innovation, community, and higher consciousness. This full moon will urge us to think outside the box, embrace our individuality, and contribute to the greater good. Expect sudden insights, a desire to break free from old patterns, and a strong pull towards humanitarian causes.
Emotionally, you might feel a bit of restlessness or a longing for change. Use this energy to realign with your true purpose and set intentions that reflect your highest aspirations. The Supermoon Blue Moon in Aquarius is also a powerful time for healing, particularly around issues of belonging, self-expression, and embracing your unique path.
3 Crystals to Work With
Amethyst: Known for its spiritual protection and purification properties, Amethyst will help you connect with your higher self and enhance your intuition during this powerful full moon.
Labradorite: This stone of transformation is perfect for supporting the shifts and changes brought by the Aquarius energy. Labradorite will protect your aura and stimulate your inner magic.
Aquamarine: As a crystal of courage and communication, Aquamarine will help you express your truth and connect with the collective consciousness, a key theme of Aquarius.
3 Herbs to Incorporate
Mugwort: Known for its dream-enhancing properties, Mugwort can help you tap into the heightened intuitive energies of the Supermoon Blue Moon.
Rosemary: This herb is excellent for clearing negative energy and protecting your space, making it ideal for rituals under the Supermoon.
Sage: A classic for energy clearing, Sage will help you cleanse your environment and create a sacred space for your spiritual work.
3 Rituals to Perform
Moon Bathing: Under the light of the Supermoon, take a moment to bathe in the moon's rays. Visualize the moonlight cleansing your aura and filling you with divine energy.
Release Ceremony: Write down what no longer serves you on a piece of paper and burn it safely under the moonlight. As the paper burns, imagine releasing those energies from your life.
Group Meditation: Gather with friends or join a community to meditate together. Focus on collective healing and envisioning a brighter future for humanity.
3 Journal Prompts
What unique qualities do I bring to the collective, and how can I use them to make a positive impact?
What old patterns or beliefs are holding me back from embracing my true self, and how can I release them?
How can I align my personal goals with the greater good, and what steps can I take to contribute to my community?
Final Thoughts
This Supermoon Blue Moon in Aquarius offers a rare and powerful opportunity to realign with your higher purpose, embrace change, and contribute to the collective awakening. By working with crystals, herbs, and rituals, and reflecting on the journal prompts, you can harness the amplified energies of this celestial event to manifest your deepest desires and step into your true power.
Remember, the magic of the Supermoon Blue Moon is not just in its rarity but in the way it invites us to connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us. May this full moon bring you clarity, healing, and the courage to walk your unique path.
Laurie Barraco